
The man page for tracker-store reads:
    "...instead other processes do that and serves as a daemon
    waiting  for  such requests..."

This is a bit odd.
The bug submitter suggests to use
    "...instead other processes do that while tracker-store serves
    as a daemon waiting  for  such requests..."

So the full sentence is:

   tracker-store does not do any file crawling or any mining of  data
itself,  instead
   other processes do that while tracker-store serves as a daemon
waiting for such
   requests from application miners like tracker-miner-fs.

This is syntactically a bit better I think, it still sounds incorrect
though. tracker-store isn't really waiting on requests from
tracker-miner-fs, is it?

Could we rephrase that sentence a bit to make the architecture a bit clearer.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?
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