Hi Martyn,

just back from SambaXP and rereading your great reply. Thanks again for taking 

Am 12.05.2014 um 16:18 schrieb Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com>:
>> Hm. But then, how made tracker-extract made aware of filesystem
>> event, ie new files? I though tracker-miner-fs sets up the watches
> So:
> 1. tracker-miner-fs uses inotify (and other backends), it is signalled on a 
> new file.
> 2. tracker-miner-fs processes that file adding basic information (file size, 
> etc).
> 3. tracker-extract is started on login and listens for GraphUpdated, a signal 
> from tracker-store. The tracker-store process is the only one that can insert 
> data. tracker-extract also queries for a list of IDs of resources on start up 
> of the ones that it won't be notified of and which have no nie:data-source 
> set. These are the files it knows it needs to process.
> 4. tracker-extract then runs with that list of files and also queues any new 
> files from the GraphUpdated signal.
>> and notifies other processes (tracker-extract) via DBUS IPC ?
> We used to use DBus and that would instantiate processes for us, but now we 
> have this "passive" approach. It has advantages and disadvantages. The 
> advantage is, tracker-miner-fs is simpler and doesn't have to deal with the 
> mess of broken files crashing tracker-extract and timeouts, etc. Also it 
> means the file basic information is added to Tracker quicker than it was 
> previously because we have no delay on tracker-extract. Another advantage 
> half realised (bits can be improved still), is that we can group process 
> files of the same time and prioritise files of particular types. We have mime 
> type priorities currently I think. Disadvantages include having to wait for 
> the second pass indexing to complete :)
> tracker-extract has _ALWAYS_ crashed because of the nature of the files and 
> libraries we're using being the weakest point.

Yeah, I know, been there. :)

> With this in mind, it's quite bad that we don't have some sort of watchdog or 
> way to keep it up and running. We could easily do this in tracker-miner-fs. 
> Part of me thinks we should actually have a tracker-control --daemon which 
> watches all process and keeps some sort of journal / log going and also 
> maintains processes like tracker-extract keep running. I should add, this is 
> something that nearly EVERY embedded solution does itself with some script 
> which keeps miner-fs running (not even tracker-extract), because there is no 
> other way to guarantee Tracker is there to catch all events.

Ok, thanks. So taking up on this approach I wrote two Solaris SMF service 
manifests (resembles systemd) for tracker-miner-fs and tracker-extract. This 
works in that it restarts crashing tracker-extract and then tracker-extract 
continues indexing.

Unfortunately this doesn't work for files that crash it reproducibly as you 
mention below:

> The only downsides I see are repeated attempts causing a circular problem 
> with tracker-extract.

Definitely. For uses with possibly many files causing crashes this renders 
Tracker useless.

> But that's easily remedied, we had to do something like this in 
> tracker-miner-fs before already.

So I'm taking you on this here, that you can easily fix this please! :)

If you don't feel an apparent need to get this fixed for your own usecases, 
please let me know, so I can try to bring affected parties and their pockets 
together next week. :)

Thanks again!

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