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On 12/03/2015 11:27, kunaal jain wrote:
> I couldn't find reference to per-app databases. What exactly it
> is? Why do we need it?

When tracker-store, libtracker-sparql are bundled as one package (as
libtracker-sparql for example) and data/ontologies is bundled as
Nepomuk, and tracker-store+libtracker-sparql gets a few small
adaptations to allow it to load an ontology from a by-API configurable
location (and store its DB in a by-API configurable location), then
libtracker-sparql could be used like how libsqlite can be used: a
database and schema per application (or per group of applications).

Right now Tracker has a more monolithic approach, meaning that it
comes as a single package with one ontology (and the miners).

o. The miners should depend on libtracker-sparql and Nepomuk

o. libtracker-sparql gets bundled with tracker-store (they are not
separately usable anyway)

o. The Nepomuk ontology should be shipped separately

o. The Nepomuk ontology should be made replaceable (so like schema's
of relational databases)

        - API additions to libtracker-sparql
        - Allowing tracker-store to boot a ontology from a passed
          parameter as location
        - Allowing multiple tracker-store instances to run
        - Allowing libtracker-sparql to configure to which
          tracker-store to connect
        - Means allowing multiple meta.db instances
        - Helping packagers get the dependencies right
        - Documenting how application(-groups) should use this

> Regarding the shifting, making new repos, repacking of codes and 
> all, I think you guys should decide onto something, as the 
> discussion was argumentative. I can help in implementation, but 
> decision making is all yours.

The conclusion of the debate was that most people agree. It's just who
will do the work :)

> Also I found discussion about storing xattr and tags of files. But 
> in tracker we already have tagging. What is it then?

That's an idea of Jürg to replace portions of libsqlite with storage
in xattr attributes of files and query using a NoSQL-like solution
that iterates over the attributes of those files (instead of SPARQL).

But that's quite a innovative idea that would replace most of what
Tracker nowadays is. It's not a bad idea. Jürg doesn't produce bad
ideas. But it is completely different than SPARQL with Nepomuk.

Would more be like NoSPARQL with Nepomuk and deep integration with the
underlying filesystem.

> I am sorry if I sound stupid, I am new to tracker as a developer. 
> Much ground to cover.

Np. As a Google Summer of Code student you'll of course have to
research your subject too and pick your battles wisely.

Kind regards,

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