Hi Guys,

As discussed on mailing list earlier, I will be applying for GSOC for
this project. Martyn and Philip will be mentors, Martyn essentially
backs it and Philip will be spending time on mentoring me.

As I am working on the proposal, can you guys suggest me about
specific GNOME applications and foundation as whole will benefit from
this project.
I know that after the project GNOME applications can have their own DB
Schemas and Ontology. Example GNOME application X wants to share some
data with Y and only Y, currently through tracker this is not
possible. Data is shared with all. After the work, it will be
possible. X and Y can share DB Schema., have a shared instance of
They will able to have own ontologies other than Nepomuk. All good here.
But some specific applications or example that I can write on how
GNOME benefits.

Kunal Jain
tracker-list mailing list

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