Hey Carlos,

I noticed we are sometimes doing parallel releases.

Have you ever considered using gitflow as branching technique?

With gitflow you have a develop and a master branch. When making a
feature release you branch it of develop and then when the release is
made you merge the release to master (I'm sure there are shorter ways,
and also better ways and true gitflow heros will correct me):

git checkout -b develop origin/develop
git branch release/x.y.z
git checkout release/x.y.z
# Make release changes
git commit 
git push release/x.y.z
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release/x.y.z
git tag x.y.z
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff release/x.y.z
git push master x.y.z develop

When patching an existing release you use the tag on master:

git checkout x.y.z
git branch release/x.y.z+1
git checkout release/x.y.z+1
# Apply patches and release changes
git commit 
git push release/x.y.z+1
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release/x.y.z+1
git tag x.y.z+1
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff release/x.y.z+1
git push master x.y.z+1 develop

Of course is a feature always developed on a feature branch, branched
off of develop:

git checkout -b develop origin/develop
git branch feature/feature-name
git checkout feature/feature-name
git add ...
git commit ...
git push origin feature/feature-name
# review

git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff feature/feature-name

# or, wat we very often do 
git branch feature/feature-name-rebased
git checkout feature/feature-name-rebased
git rebase -i develop
git push origin feature/feature-name-reased:develop

There are also tools for this (git flow release start etc).

I know it's a bit overkill sometimes. But it's also becoming more and
more common and it nicely integrates with semver.org.

Kind regards,


On Sat, 2016-04-02 at 13:12 +0200, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
> Hey all,
> FYI, tracker-1.8 has just been branched. Master is open for new features.
> Cheers,
>   Carlos
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