On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 08:45:02AM +0200, Michael Albinus wrote:
> Andrey Tykhonov <atykho...@gmail.com> writes:
> [Cc to tramp-devel@gnu.org, because I want to help with Tramp config]
> > Hi all!
> Hi Andrey,
> > During last several days I was trying to implement quite simple script
> > which:
> >
> > 1. Creates new buffer with the shell (M-x shell)
> > 2. Executes there "ssh usern...@domain.com". As result -- the password
> > prompt appears in the minibuffer. I manually input password.
> > 3. Then script executes any command in the recently created buffer
> > (shell), for example: "ls -la". So I expect to see directory listing on
> > the domain.com.
> >
> > but, for sorry, I cannot to do so that "ls -la" will be executed!
> >
> > I googled, I have tried many different approaches but without any luck :-(
> >
> > Here I should mention quite important thing: I cannot use TRAMP because
> > it does not work with the server to which the script connects and then
> > on which executes "ls -la". (I suppose that TRAMP uses FUSE, but for
> > sorry FUSE does not work with mine server). So TRAMP is not available
> > for me.
> Tramp does not use FUSE for ssh connections. Please show an example
> connection to the remote host, and how it fails.

First of all I added

    (setq tramp-verbose 6)

to the ~/.emacs

Then M-x eshell, and then

    cd /ssh:username@hostname:/some/existing/dir

I get password prompt, I put correct password, then get such prompt:

    /ssh:username@hostname:/some/existing/dir $

Here I try to "ls -la" and get the following error:

    Couldn't find a POSIX `id' command

Best regards,

> Prior to the test, you should apply
>    (setq tramp-verbose 6)
> This will create a Tramp debug buffer, which shall show the problem.
> > Regards,
> > Andrey
> Best regards, Michael.

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