On Sunday 26 September 2004 03:10, John F. Whitehead wrote:
> Aha!  After writing a description of how I couldn't figure things out,
> I just realized that the above is NOT a link -- it is a script:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/libexec/emacs/21.3.50/powerpc-apple-darwin6.2/Emacs.app/Contents/
> MacOS/Emacs $@
> and that is what is causing the problems. this redirection is screwing
> things up (it never did for other command line arguments -- it must not
> be letting the quote marks go through escaped).

Actually, $@ is the only form AFAIK which handles spaces/quotes correctly, but 
you have to quote it: 

...../Emacs "$@"

in the script will do the trick.

Ciao, /  /                                                    .o.
     /--/                                                     ..o
    /  / ANS                                                  ooo

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