Hi all, i’m trying to get a list by query, but I’ve a proble: my code fragment 
<cfset myStr = "FROM User WHERE User.userNL = :nl AND User.userType IN (:type) 
AND userLang IN (:lang)"/>
<cfset mySql = variables.transfer.createQuery(myStr)/>
<cfset mySql.setParam("NL",TRUE,"boolean")>
<cfset mySql.setParam("type",userType,"String")>
<cfset mySql.setParam("lang",userLang,"String")>
<cfset myQ = variables.transfer.listByQuery(mySql)>
nl is a flag in user table, active or not, userLang is a list of languages, 
userType is a list of types; if I have userType = “1”, userLang = “IT”, I get a 
recordset of user matching, i.e.  actives, type =1 and lang=IT, but if I try 
with userType = “1,2”, and/or userlang = “IT,US” , I always get an empty 
recordset, no records
is this a mistake, or may be a bug?

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