NM..RTFM DAN...thanks! haha

On Jun 4, 10:23 am, Dan Vega <danv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link. I tried going through the examples and from what
> I understand it will automatically inject any beans with maching
> setters. I added this to my coldspring config
>         <bean id="TDOBeanInjectorObserver"
> class="model.beanUtils.TDOBeanInjectorObserver" lazy-init="false">
>                 <constructor-arg 
> name="debug"><value>true</value></constructor-arg>
>                 <constructor-arg name="transfer"><ref bean="transfer" /></
> constructor-arg>
>         </bean>
>         <bean id="Validator" class="model.validation.validator" factory-
> method="init" singleton="true">
>         </bean>
> And in my abstractTransferDecorator I have the following method.
>         <cffunction name="setValidator" access="public" output="false"
> returntype="void">
>                 <cfargument name="validator" type="any" required="false" 
> hint="The
> Validator.">
>                 <cfset variables.instance.validator = arguments.validator>
>         </cffunction>
> Am I doing something wrong? I am getting the following error when I
> try to call my getValidator() method.
> 127 :   <cffunction name="getBeanInjector" access="public"
> returntype="any" output="false" hint="I return the BeanInjector.">
> 128 :           <cfreturn variables.instance.beanInjector />
> 129 :   </cffunction>
> On Jun 4, 9:54 am, "James Allen" <slingsho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Dan,
> > This is what you need. Works really well 
> > -http://www.briankotek.com/blog/index.cfm/2008/1/14/My-Transfer-Decora...
> > n-Injector-Observer-Is-Now-Available
> > ---
> > James Allen
> > E: ja...@jamesallen.name
> > E: slingsho...@googlemail.com
> > Blog:http://jamesallen.name
> > Twitter: @CFJamesAllen (Coldfusion / Web development)
> > Twitter: @jamesallenuk (General)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: transfer-dev@googlegroups.com [mailto:transfer-...@googlegroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of Dan Vega
> > Sent: 04 June 2009 14:50
> > To: transfer-dev
> > Subject: [transfer-dev] Injecting beans into decorators
> > I am sorry if this is a dumb question but I am just getting started
> > with writing my own decorators. I have a Product decorator that
> > extends my base decorator like so.
> > <cfcomponent displayname="Product Transfer Decorator" output="false"
> > extends="AbstractTransferDecorator">
> >         <cffunction name="configure" access="public" output="false"
> > returntype="any">
> >                 <cfargument name="validator" type="any" required="true">
> >                 <cfset setValidator(arguments.validator)>
> >                 <cfreturn this>
> >         </cffunction>
> > </cfcomponent>
> > From what I have read configure is called when the decorator is
> > instantiated. Normally when I set up my objects in coldspring I can
> > inject other dependencies but here I am a little lost. How do I pass a
> > validator bean that I setup in cs into this decorator.
> > Thanks for the help!
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