
I have an object, "Role" and an object "Rights". Roles and Rights have a 
manyToMany relation. I want to associate multiple rights to a role. The 
roles and rights are static - only the linking table gets updated to reflect 
which rights are associated with a given role.

I figure to do it like this:

(RightsIds = a list of rights that I want to associate to a role)

<cfloop list="#RightsIds#" index="Rightsid">
    <!--- adding rights to role nr 1 --->
    <cfset role=Transfer.get("Role",1)>
    <cfset role.addRights(Transfer.get("Right",Rightsid))>

Is this the fastest way or can I do all this in 1 statement?

Btw this is the relevant Transfer.xml snippet

        <object name="rights" >
            <id name="id" type="numeric" />
            <property name="description" type="string" nullable="true" />
            <property name="rightKey" type="string" nullable="false" />
            <property name="label" type="string" nullable="false" />
            <manytomany name="role" table="roleRight" >
                <link to="rights" column="FK_right"/>
                <link to="role" column="FK_role"/>
                <collection type="array">
                    <order property="label" order="asc" />

        <object name="role">
            <id name="id" type="numeric" />
            <property name="description" type="string" nullable="true" />
            <property name="roleKey" type="string" nullable="false" />
            <property name="label" type="string" nullable="false" />
            <manytomany name="rights" table="roleRight" lazy="true">
                <link to="rights" column="FK_right"/>
                <link to="role" column="FK_role"/>
                <collection type="array">
                    <order property="label" order="asc" />


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