Op Do, 2009-02-19 om 20:34 +0100 skryf Samuel Murray (Groenkloof):
> G'day everyone
> During the Decathlon project one of the Bulgarian translators reviewed 
> the translation of Pootle 1.2 and sent me the updated files.  Where 
> should these be sent to ensure that they make it into the distribution?
> Samuel

The Pootle translations are maintained at the main Pootle server. Before
every release the developers get the newest translations there. Since it
seems that these translations were done offline and you might not have
contact with the translator to review the differences, the challenge is
in how to merge it back upstream, especially in the case where the
server copy has also changed. Pootle can handle this through a normal
upload, of course, but then some Bulgarian translator needs to review
the suggestions.

We could overwrite the server copy if we have confidence that the new
version is all correct, or if it was done by the same translator. For
now the easiest might be to attach it in Bugzilla. The translations all
need to be reviewed before we can release version 1.3.0 anyway, since
many strings would have been added by that time. We are not quite there


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