
I started up again with Pootle and had an apache serving pootle, forwarding to the pootle process as described in the setup.

But I commented out some, many, of the languages I cannot use here and since then I can no longer start the PootleServer :

/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/jToolkit/data/dates.py:27: DeprecationWarning: The sre module is deprecated, please import re.
  import sre

2009-03-12 22:45:24: Listening on port 8080
2009-03-12 22:45:24: To use the server, open a web browser at
2009-03-12 22:45:24: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/jToolkit/web/simplewebserver.py", line 613, in getserver
    server = getserverwithprefs(options.prefsfile, options.instance, httpd)
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/jToolkit/web/__init__.py", line 163, in getserverwithprefs
    raise IOError(errormessage)
IOError: Error using prefs file '/etc/pootle/pootle.prefs':
No such file

2009-03-12 22:45:24: Error initializing server, exiting: Error using prefs file '/etc/pootle/pootle.prefs':
No such file

There is, of course, an /etc/pootle/pootle.prefs file. I am assuming that it is more of that "invisible formatting" that has the pootle choking on the file now.

I attach the file in hopes that someone can say... right here! there's your problem!

John Francis Lee
1025/37 Thanon Jet Yod
Mueang Chiangrai 57000
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# jToolkit preferences file
# showing jBrowser fields
# Lines with '#' are comments.

  pootleserver = 'Pootle.pootle'

  serverclass = pootleserver.PootleServer

  # Pootle.baseurl
  # Set to the URL from which people will access Pootle. Ensure that it starts
  # with "http://";. If there is no clickable link in registration e-mails, this
  # setting could be wrong.
  baseurl = u"http://pootle.crpao-school.org/";

  # Pootle.title
  # The name of this instance of Pootle. This will appear on the title bar of
  # most Pootle pages. You can use something short like 
  #   "$(Your Projectname) Pootle"
  title = u"CRPAO School Pootle"

  # Pootle.description
  # A short description of this instance of Pootle. This is displayed on the 
  # front page, the about page and it can contain markup, which may be useful
  # to provide links to mailinglists, a wiki, etc. for the project. Be sure to 
  # test it well, as incorrect markup (like unbalanced quotes or HTML tags) 
  # could prevent the page from displaying at all. The text up to the first 
  # "br" tag is also displayed in the meta description tags of these pages.
  # Consider adding <div dir="ltr"> ... </div> around any text in a left-to-
  # right language to guarantee good rendering for users of right-to-left 
  # languages and vice versa if you put a message in a right-to-left language.
  # For multilingual servers, you might also want to indicate the language of
  # your description to ensure proper rendering and for better accessibility.
  # Be sure to include all contact information that users would need to contact 
  # you for support (adding languages or projects).
  description = u"<div dir='ltr' lang='en'>This is a demo installation of 
Pootle.<br /> You can also visit the official <a 
href='http://pootle.locamotion.org'>Pootle server</a>. The server administrator 
has not provided contact information or a description of this server. If you 
are the administrator for this server, edit this description in your preference 
file or in the administration interface.</div>"

  # Pootle.defaultlanguage
  # The default language that will be used on this instance of Pootle.  Pootle
  # will try to serve pages in the language of the user's browser, and users 
  # may change this to another language on login but this will be the default
  # for users without a language preference in their browsers, or when their 
  # preferred language is not available. When nothing is found, Pootle will run 
  # in English. Only languages that are enabled on this server (see below) will
  # be accessible to users.
  # defaultlanguage = u"en"

  # Pootle.registration
  # When users register, their details will be sent from "fromaddress" using the
  # SMTP server "smtpserver".
  # If specified, "supportaddress" will be given in registration emails as the
  # address to contact with queries.
    fromaddress = u"pootle-registrat...@pootle.crpao-school.org"
    smtpserver = u"localhost"
  # supportaddress = u"pootle-ad...@yourdomain.org"

  # Where users are directed by default when they login
  homepage = u"home/"

  # The file that contains the user preferences.
  userprefs = u"/etc/pootle/users.prefs"

  # defaultrights
  # This is the default permissions (access rights) that will be used for 
  # logged in users unless other rights are specified for the project. The 
  # recommended default is
  # defaultrights = u"view, suggest, archive, pocompile"
  # This will allow logged in users to view the translations, suggest changes,
  # download archives of the whole project and download .mo files.
  # If you want any logged in user to be able to translate by default, you 
  # should add the "translate" right, for example
  defaultrights = u"view, suggest, archive, pocompile"

  # pootle.podirectory
  # All projects are stored in this directory in this layout:
  #   $podirectory/$project/$language
  # Projects can also be stored according to the GNU convention with one PO file
  # per language, and all files in one directory. If you change this from the 
  # default, remember to copy the project called "pootle" to your new directory
  # to provide the localised interface for Pootle.
  podirectory = u"/var/lib/pootle/"

  # pootle.projects
  # The projects section defines what projects are available on this instance
  # of Pootle.  This describes the fields listed in the following pootle
  # project.
  # pootle:
  # This is the projects internal name and corresponds to the
  # directory entry that stores all the translations.
  #   fullname = u"Pootle"
  # The human readable version of the project's internal name.
  #   description = u"Web translation software"
  # A description of the project.  It can include markup, which may be useful 
  # to provide links to mailinglists, a wiki, etc. for the project. The whole 
  # description will be used when viewing the project page, but only the text 
  # up to the first "br" tag will be used for the page's meta description and 
  # for tooltips in some Pootle pages.  Be sure to test it well, as incorrect 
  # markup (like unbalanced quotes or HTML tags) could prevent the page from 
  # displaying at all.
  # Consider adding <div dir="ltr"> ... </div> around any text in a left-to-
  # right language to guarantee good rendering for users of right-to-left 
  # languages and vice versa if you put a message in a right-to-left language.
  # For multilingual servers, you might also want to indicate the language of
  # your description to ensure proper rendering and for better accessibility.
  #   checkerstyle = u"standard"
  # Defines what checks should be used for this project.  One of: mozilla, kde,
  # openoffice or standard. This affects the tests for accelerator keys and
  # variables
  #   localfiletype = u"po"
  # The localfiletype attribute allows for a project admin to designate the
  # allowed filetype for the project, either "po" or "xlf".
  # By default, po is assumed for projects.
  # NOTE: Once a file type is selected for localfiletype, files not matching
  #       the type selected will not be displayed within pootle.
  #   treestyle = u"nongnu"
  # The treestyle attribute is used to force Pootle to follow the specified
  # directory tree layout, without trying to determine it (this can be slow
  # for projects with lots of files and directories. Possible choices: "gnu"
  # (one file per language in a directory) or "nongnu" (each language has a 
  # separate direcotory with its own tree structure. This attribute does not
  # need to be specified. If it is not specified, Pootle will try to determine
  # the layout that the project uses.

  # The project called "pootle" is necessary for Pootle to be localised.  The 
  # Pootle interface will be available in the languages that are defined below 
  # and present in the Pootle project.  If you don't want people to change the 
  # Pootle translations on your server, remove the translate right in the admin
  # interface.
                                fullname = u"Pootle"
                                description = u"<div dir='ltr' 
lang='en'>Interface translations for Pootle. <br /> See the <a 
href='http://pootle.locamotion.org'>official Pootle server</a> for the 
translations of Pootle.</div>"
                                checkstyle = u"standard"
                                localfiletype = u"po"
  # The optional project called "terminology" will be used by Pootle to do 
  # terminology matching for the languages that have files in this project. To
  # use different terms in a certain project, simply include a file called 
  # "pootle-terminology.po" in that project's directory, and Pootle will only 
  # use that file for terminology matching for that project.
                         fullname = u"Terminology"
                         description = u"<div dir='ltr' lang='en'>Terminology 
project that Pootle should use to suggest terms.<br />There might be useful 
terminology files on the <a 
href='http://pootle.locamotion.org/projects/terminology/'>official Pootle 
                         checkstyle = u"standard"
                         localfiletype = u"po"

  # pootle.languages
  # The languages section defines the languages being translated into on this
  # instance of Pootle.  This describes the fields listed in the following
  # language. Preconfigured settings for many languages are included below. The
  # plural settings are based on the page on the wiki at
  #   http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/l10n/pluralforms
  # Please also update the page there if anything can be improved.
  # af:
  # Languages are defined by using their ISO639 language code, thus af is for
  # Afrikaans
  #   fullname = u"Afrikaans"
  # The fullname of the language, also from ISO639 but can be the name of the
  # language in your language not necessarily in English. When the iso-codes
  # package is installed, translated language names can be provided to 
  # correspond to the interface language. The exact English names used in the 
  # iso-codes package has to be used for translation to be successful. The 
  # language name can also contain a country name in brackets at the back, in 
  # which case a translation for the country name will similarly be attempted 
  # using the iso-codes package. For example:
  #   fullname = u"Portuguese (Brazil)"
  #   specialchars = u"ÄËÏÖÜäëïöü ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôû"
  # Special characters used by the language that you wish users to be able to
  # see when they are editing translations. Useful for people who do not have
  # a properly configured keyboard for the language.
  #   nplurals = 2
  # This defines the number of plural forms for the language.  You need this in
  # order to edit plural form messages.  Don't know about plural forms? Read
  # about them in the Gettext manual.  This value will also be used to set the
  # value in the PO header if it is not already set.  Also note that the header
  # value should take precedence no matter what is set here.
  #   pluralequation = "(n != 1)"
  # As above in nplural this relates to plural forms.  This defines the
  # equation that the application will use to determine which one of the N
  # plurals it should use.  If you are unsure of what value to use have a look
  # in other PO files for your language.

# Afrikaans
#    af.fullname = u"Afrikaans"
#    af.specialchars = u"ëïêôûáéíóúý"
#    af.nplurals = 2
#    af.pluralequation = u"(n != 1)"

# Akan
#    ak.fullname = u'Akan'
#    ak.pluralequation = u'(n > 1)'
#    ak.specialchars = u"ɛɔƐƆ"
#    ak.nplurals = u'2'

# العربية
# Arabic
#    ar.fullname = u'Arabic'
#    ar.nplurals = '6'
#    ar.pluralequation ='n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 
? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5'

# Azərbaycan
# Azerbaijani
#    az.fullname = u'Azerbaijani'
#    az.nplurals = '2'
#    az.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Беларуская
# Belarusian
#    be.fullname = u'Belarusian'
#    be.nplurals = '3'
#    be.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Български
# Bulgarian
#    bg.fullname = u'Bulgarian'
#    bg.nplurals = '2'
#    bg.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# বাংলা
# Bengali
#    bn.fullname = u'Bengali'
#    bn.nplurals = '2'
#    bn.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Tibetan
#    bo.fullname = u'Tibetan'
#    bo.nplurals = '1'
#    bo.pluralequation ='0'

# Bosanski
# Bosnian
#    bs.fullname = u'Bosnian'
#    bs.nplurals = '3'
#    bs.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Català
# Catalan
#    ca.fullname = u'Catalan; Valencian'
#    ca.nplurals = '2'
#    ca.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Česky
# Czech
#    cs.fullname = u'Czech'
#    cs.nplurals = '3'
#    cs.pluralequation ='(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2'

# Cymraeg
# Welsh
#    cy.fullname = u'Welsh'
#    cy.nplurals = '2'
#    cy.pluralequation ='(n==2) ? 1 : 0'

# Dansk
# Danish
#    da.fullname = u'Danish'
#    da.nplurals = '2'
#    da.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Deutsch
# German
#    de.fullname = u'German'
#    de.nplurals = '2'
#    de.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# ང་ཁ
# Dzongkha
#    dz.fullname = u'Dzongkha'
#    dz.nplurals = '1'
#    dz.pluralequation ='0'

# Ελληνικά
# Greek
#    el.fullname = u'Greek'
#    el.nplurals = '2'
#    el.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# English
    en.fullname = u'English'
    en.nplurals = '2'
    en.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# English (United Kingdom)
#    en_GB.fullname = u'English (United Kingdom)'
#    en_GB.nplurals = '2'
#    en_GB.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# English (South Africa)
    en_ZA.fullname = u'English (South Africa)'
    en_ZA.nplurals = '2'
    en_ZA.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Esperanto
#    eo.fullname = u'Esperanto'
#    eo.nplurals = '2'
#    eo.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Español
# Spanish
#    es.fullname = u'Spanish; Castilian'
#    es.nplurals = '2'
#    es.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Eesti
# Estonian
#    et.fullname = u'Estonian'
#    et.nplurals = '2'
#    et.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Euskara
# Basque
#    eu.fullname = u'Basque'
#    eu.nplurals = '2'
#    eu.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# فارسی
# Persian
#    fa.fullname = u'Persian'
#    fa.nplurals = '1'
#    fa.pluralequation ='0'

# Suomi
# Finnish
#    fi.fullname = u'Finnish'
#    fi.nplurals = '2'
#    fi.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Føroyskt
# Faroese
#    fo.fullname = u'Faroese'
#    fo.nplurals = '2'
#    fo.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Français
# French
    fr.fullname = u'French'
    fr.nplurals = '2'
    fr.pluralequation ='(n > 1)'

# Furlan
# Friulian
#    fur.fullname = u'Friulian'
#    fur.nplurals = '2'
#    fur.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Frysk
# Frisian
#    fy.fullname = u'Western Frisian'
#    fy.nplurals = '2'
#    fy.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Gaeilge
# Irish
#    ga.fullname = u'Irish'
#    ga.nplurals = '3'
#    ga.pluralequation ='n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : 2'

# Galego
# Galician
#    gl.fullname = u'Galician'
#    gl.nplurals = '2'
#    gl.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# ગુજરાતી
# Gujarati
#    gu.fullname = u'Gujarati'
#    gu.nplurals = '2'
#    gu.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# עברית
# Hebrew
#    he.fullname = u'Hebrew'
#    he.nplurals = '2'
#    he.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# हिन्दी
# Hindi
#    hi.fullname = u'Hindi'
#    hi.nplurals = '2'
#    hi.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Hrvatski
# Croatian
#    hr.fullname = u'Croatian'
#    hr.nplurals = '3'
#    hr.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Magyar
# Hungarian
#    hu.fullname = u'Hungarian'
#    hu.nplurals = '2'
#    hu.pluralequation ='(n !=1)'

# Bahasa Indonesia
# Indonesian
#    id.fullname = u'Indonesian'
#    id.nplurals = '1'
#    id.pluralequation ='0'

# Icelandic
#    is.fullname = u'Icelandic'
#    is.nplurals = '2'
#    is.pluralequation = '(n != 1)'

# Italiano
# Italian
#    it.fullname = u'Italian'
#    it.nplurals = '2'
#    it.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# 日本語 
# Japanese
    ja.fullname = u'Japanese'
    ja.nplurals = '1'
    ja.pluralequation ='0'

# ქართული
# Georgian
#    ka.fullname = u'Georgian'
#    ka.nplurals = '1'
#    ka.pluralequation ='0'

# ភាសា
# Khmer
#    km.fullname = u'Khmer'
#    km.nplurals = '1'
#    km.pluralequation ='0'

# 한국어
# Korean
#    ko.fullname = u'Korean'
#    ko.nplurals = '1'
#    ko.pluralequation ='0'

# Kurdî / كوردي
# Kurdish
#    ku.fullname = u'Kurdish'
#    ku.nplurals = '2'
#    ku.pluralequation ='(n!= 1)'

# Lëtzebuergesch
# Letzeburgesch
#    lb.fullname = u'Letzeburgesch'
#    lb.nplurals = '2'
#    lb.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Lietuvių
# Lithuanian
#    lt.fullname = u'Lithuanian'
#    lt.nplurals = '3'
#    lt.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || 
n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Latviešu
# Latvian
#    lv.fullname = u'Latvian'
#    lv.nplurals = '3'
#    lv.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2)'

# Malayalam
#    ml.fullname = u'Malayalam'
#    ml.nplurals = '2'
#    ml.pluralequation = '(n != 1)'

# Malagasy
#    mg.fullname = u'Malagasy'
#    mg.nplurals = '2'
#    mg.pluralequation ='(n > 1)'

# Монгол
# Mongolian
#    mn.fullname = u'Mongolian'
#    mn.nplurals = '2'
#    mn.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Marathi
#    mr.fullname = u'Marathi'
#    mr.nplurals = u'2'
#    mr.pluralequation = u'(n != 1)'

# Malay
#    ms.fullname = u'Malay'
#    ms.nplurals = u'1'
#    ms.pluralequation = u'0'

# Malti
# Maltese
#    mt.fullname = u'Maltese'
#    mt.nplurals = '4'
#    mt.pluralequation ='(n==1 ? 0 : n==0 || ( n%100>1 && n%100<11) ? 1 : 
(n%100>10 && n%100<20 ) ? 2 : 3)'

# Nahuatl
#    nah.fullname = u'Nahuatl'
#    nah.nplurals = '2'
#    nah.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Bokmål
# Norwegian Bokmal
#    nb.fullname = u'Norwegian Bokmal'
#    nb.nplurals = '2'
#    nb.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Nepali
#    ne.fullname = u'Nepali'
#    ne.nplurals = u'2'
#    ne.pluralequation = u'(n != 1)'

# Nederlands
# Dutch
#    nl.fullname = u'Dutch; Flemish'
#    nl.nplurals = '2'
#    nl.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Nynorsk
# Norwegian Nynorsk
#    nn.fullname = u'Norwegian Nynorsk'
#    nn.nplurals = '2'
#    nn.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Sesotho sa Leboa
# Northern Sotho
#    nso.fullname = u'Northern Sotho'
#    nso.nplurals = '2'
#    nso.pluralequation ='(n > 1)'
#    nso.specialchars = u"Å¡Å "

# Oriya
#    or.fullname = u'Oriya'
#    or.nplurals = '2'
#    or.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Punjabi
#    pa.fullname = u'Panjabi; Punjabi'
#    pa.nplurals = '2'
#    pa.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Papiamento
#    pap.fullname = u'Papiamento'
#    pap.nplurals = '2'
#    pap.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Polski
# Polish
#    pl.fullname = u'Polish'
#    pl.nplurals = '3'
#    pl.pluralequation ='(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || 
n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Português
# Portuguese
#    pt.fullname = u'Portuguese'
#    pt.nplurals = '2'
#    pt.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Português do Brasil
# Brazilian Portuguese
#    pt_BR.fullname = u'Portuguese (Brazil)'
#    pt_BR.nplurals = '2'
#    pt_BR.pluralequation ='(n > 1)'

# Română
# Romanian
#    ro.fullname = u'Romanian'
#    ro.nplurals = '3'
#    ro.pluralequation ='(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 

# Русский
# Russian
#    ru.fullname = u'Russian'
#    ru.nplurals = '3'
#    ru.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Slovenčina
# Slovak
#    sk.fullname = u'Slovak'
#    sk.nplurals = '3'
#    sk.pluralequation ='(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2'

# Slovenščina
# Slovenian
#    sl.fullname = u'Slovenian'
#    sl.nplurals = '4'
#    sl.pluralequation ='(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 
2 : 3)'

# Shqip
# Albanian
#    sq.fullname = u'Albanian'
#    sq.nplurals = '2'
#    sq.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Српски / Srpski
# Serbian
#    sr.fullname = u'Serbian'
#    sr.nplurals = '3'
#    sr.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Sesotho
# Sotho
#    st.fullname = u'Sotho, Southern'
#    st.nplurals = '2'
#    st.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Svenska
# Swedish
#    sv.fullname = u'Swedish'
#    sv.nplurals = '2'
#    sv.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# தமிழ்
# Tamil
#    ta.fullname = u'Tamil'
#    ta.nplurals = '2'
#    ta.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# ภาษาไทย
# Thai
    th.fullname = u'Thai'
    th.nplurals = '1'
    th.pluralequation ='0'

# Туркмен / تركمن
# Turkmen
#    tk.fullname = u'Turkmen'
#    tk.nplurals = '2'
#    tk.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Türkçe
# Turkish
#    tr.fullname = u'Turkish'
#    tr.nplurals = '1'
#    tr.pluralequation ='0'

# Українська
# Ukrainian
#    uk.fullname = u'Ukrainian'
#    uk.nplurals = '3'
#    uk.pluralequation ='(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && 
(n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)'

# Vietnamese
#    vi.fullname = u'Vietnamese'
#    vi.nplurals = '1'
#    vi.pluralequation ='0'

# Wolof
#    wo.fullname = u'Wolof'
#    wo.nplurals = '2'
#    wo.pluralequation ='(n != 1)'

# Walon
# Walloon
#    wa.fullname = u'Waloon'
#    wa.nplurals = '2'
#    wa.pluralequation ='(n > 1)'

# 简体中文
# Simplified Chinese (China mainland used below, but also used in Singapore and 
    zh_CN.fullname = u'Chinese (China)'
    zh_CN.nplurals = '1'
    zh_CN.pluralequation ='0'
    zh_CN.specialchars = u"←→↔×÷©…—‘’“”【】《》"

# 繁體中文
# Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong used below, but also used in Taiwan and Macau)
#    zh_HK.fullname = u'Chinese (Hong Kong)'
#    zh_HK.nplurals = '1'
#    zh_HK.pluralequation ='0'
#    zh_HK.specialchars = 

# 繁體中文
# Traditional Chinese (Taiwan used below, but also used in Hong Kong and Macau)
#    zh_TW.fullname = u'Chinese (Taiwan)'
#    zh_TW.nplurals = '1'
#    zh_TW.pluralequation ='0'
#    zh_TW.specialchars = 

# This is a "language" that gives people access to the (untranslated) template 
    templates.fullname = u'Templates'
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