Op Vr, 2009-06-05 om 17:24 +0200 skryf F Wolff:
> Op Do, 2009-06-04 om 15:15 +0800 skryf Aijin Kim:


> In XML files, spacing doesn't usually make a difference, and can be
> "normalised" like web browsers do with HTML. However, if spacing is
> important, setting  xml:space="preserve" in an XML element can give the
> indication that spacing should be taken literally.
> Since spacing makes a difference in translation and localisation, we
> generate our XLIFF files with xml:space="preserve". But we currently
> interpret all documents that way, even if xml:space="preserve" is not
> set, which is the issue that you are seeing here.
> This is really an issue of the Translate Toolkit, and not Pootle. I
> already have a possible solution, but I just need to give it a little
> bit more testing before I can send it to you to try out. Remind me in a
> few days if I forget :-)

Actually, during my testing I just realised that the file you point to
does specify xml:space="preserve", so we happen to be doing the correct
thing with it :-)

I hope to have my patch ready next week, but in the meanwhile you might
want to review whether that file should specify xml:space="preserve".

Keep well

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