On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 00:12:32 +0800
Bernard Chan <bern...@goanimate.com> wrote:

> Thanks. I switched back to django 1.1.1.
> Please share with me your "neat trick". It is likely that I will be 
> asked to admin the Pootle installation and I would appreciate an 
> additional thing to try when some problem occurs.

put the following code at the top of the Pootle/pootle/settings.py file

import logging
import sys
import inspect
def tracefunc(frame, event, arg):
    if event == 'call':

logging.error("setting tracefunc")

then run server and visit a simple page like the css or about, this will
print the name of each function getting called which will slow things
down so be patient and wait till no output appears the last one is
probably where deadlock happens (send me last lines of output or so).

if output never stops then might be an infinite loop, try to see if
there is a repeating pattern in the debug output and paste it here.


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