> On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:48:47 +0100
> Johannes Ahlers <johannes.ahl...@futura4retail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> when I call the refresh_stats-Task I got many warnings in the 
>> error.log-file:
>> WARNING Could not initialize indexer for <project> in <language>: pop 
>> from an empty deque
I tried PyLucene (2.3.1) instead of Xapian as indexer. Now I get 
different errors *g*
On first refresh_stats-run I got for each language:

2010-01-07 15:00:58,599 INFO Deleting invalid indexing directory 
Exception AttributeError: "'PyLuceneDatabase' object has no attribute 'writer'" 
in <bound method PyLuceneDatabase.__del__ of 
<translate.search.indexing.PyLuceneIndexer.PyLuceneDatabase object at 
0x489f390>> ignored
2010-01-07 15:00:58,641 DEBUG cache miss for 
2010-01-07 15:00:58,847 WARNING Could not initialize indexer for ers319 in cs: 
'IndexWriter' object has no attribute 'commit'
Exception AttributeError: "'IndexWriter' object has no attribute 'commit'" in 
<bound method PyLuceneDatabase.__del__ of 
<translate.search.indexing.PyLuceneIndexer.PyLuceneDatabase object at 
0x4899dd0>> ignored

In the .translation_index-directory no lucene-subdirectory was created 
and the xapian direcotry wasn't deleted. Then I removed the file 
XapianIndexer.py (and .pyc) from Translation-Toolkit-Directory 
(translate/search/indexing). Now a lucene-subdirecotry was created and 
the xapian-one was deleted, but now I got the following messaged in log 
for each further refresh_stats-run:

2010-01-07 16:05:58,304 WARNING Could not initialize indexer for ers319 in cs: 
'IndexWriter' object has no attribute 'commit'
Exception AttributeError: "'IndexWriter' object has no attribute 'commit'" in 
<bound method PyLuceneDatabase.__del__ of 
<translate.search.indexing.PyLuceneIndexer.PyLuceneDatabase object at 
0x7f4864569390>> ignored

And then for the last half of languages:

2010-01-07 16:08:39,295 DEBUG cache miss for 
2010-01-07 16:08:40,350 WARNING Could not initialize indexer for f4pos_dev in 
zh_TW: org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException: Lock obtain timed 

Does this give any hints?



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