After one more reading through the config file it dawned upon me
that the template shown in the Wiki (which I just copied with my brain
turned off) is not enough. There only the "/Pootle/po" and
"/Pootle/html" directories are given permissions to read. 

Since I by
default deny everything in my basic apachce config one must also add the
Pootle root (of course..) with a new Directory statment in order to

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Can I suggest that
this is added to the wiki config example (since now adays the deny all
is standard for most Apache installations) 


On Thu, 12 May 2011
14:58:09 +0200, Johan Persson wrote: 

> I have installed Pootle
(+mysql) and everything seems to work fine
> when I run the standaone
> However, when I try to run Pootle
> under Apache with the
wcgi module I get an access denied error, i.e.
> .. client denied by
server configuration:
> /usr/local/share/pootle/ ... 
> So
clearly I have something wrong.
> I'm fairly used to Apache
configuration files but I have no technical
> knowledge on Python nor
Django (end hence the wsgi module) 
> So far I
> have double checked
> * File are accessible by Apache (a plain
> index.html
dummyfile in the Pootle direcory is accessible from browser)
> * dbs
and po is writable (even though as I understand should not be
necessary since I use mysql) 
> * there is no hidden .htaccess
> the standard settings in the Apache config module 
> *
Access control in
> the Apache module for pootle is set to "Allow from
> * No spelling
> mistakes in path names etc 
> So I suspect
there is some issue with
> running i the Django framework for the file. But unfortunately
> I don't have any technical
knowledge of Django (nor the wsgi module).
> Can anyone give some
hints on where I should look further? 
> Cheers!
> Johan 
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