Hello John,

In reply to your query of 23 October, where you asked:

> Could someone please indicate how one might sign up to be on the
> the Email string for TREG?

My information is a bit dated, but I believe that Charles Purwin of 
Software Tool & Die became the new manager for the TREG (Telecom 
Regulatory E-mail Grapevine) mailing list sometime in early 2001.

Questions about the TREG can be directed to Purwin at: 

  <purw...@world.std.com>  and/or  <owner-t...@world.std.com>

Postings to the TREG list by registered members is done by sending 
mail to:


The treg mailing list is hosted by the world.std.com server.  For 
information about these mailing or other lists hosted there, send 
an e-mail to <majord...@world.std.com>.  In the body of this message,

 info <list>

where <list> is the name of the mailing list you want information
about.  For a list of all mailing lists on this server, show in
the body of the message:


The Majordomo program will return a message to you with the infor-
mation you requested.

I hope you will find this information useful.

Best regards,

  -- Scott Roleson

 Scott Roleson, PE   (MS-61U74)  |  E-mail: srole...@ieee.org
 Telecom & EMC Engineer          |  http://www.roleson.com 
 Worldwide Technical Regulations |  Telephone: +1-858-655-4809
 Hewlett-Packard Company         |  FAX:       +1-858-655-5931
 16399 W. Bernardo Drive         |  Amateur Radio:  KC7CJ
 San Diego, CA  92127-1899  USA  |  Any opinions are my own, not HP's.

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