WELCOME TO IWPR'S TRIBUNAL UPDATE No. 464 Part 2, 21 August, 2006

DEFENDING THE DEFENDERS  New ICC department aims to create a level playing 
field for defence and prosecution.  By Katy Glassborow in The Hague

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New ICC department aims to create a level playing field for defence and 

By Katy Glassborow in The Hague

The International Criminal Court has introduced a dedicated support team for 
defence lawyers in an effort to ensure that trials are conducted as fairly as 

With some media outlets already rushing to pronounce war crimes indictees 
guilty before they've even been arrested, the ICC is determined that suspects 
remain innocent until otherwise proven.

In order to do this, the ICC has created a special department, independent of 
the rest of the court, to support defence teams, the Office of Public Counsel 
for the Defence, OPCD.

The OPCD aims to raise the profile of the defence and to make sure that 
everything the court does "factors in the presumption of the innocence of the 
accused", said Melinda Taylor, a onetime lawyer at the Hague's International 
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, who has been tasked with 
overseeing the department.


The OPCD's mandate is to see that there is "equality of arms": that the 
prosecutor does not have a head start over the defence.

Before a suspect is even arrested, the OPCD plans to start identifying areas of 
concern in order to be able to give proactive advice to the defence teams once 
they're assembled, building up their capacity to respond quickly, and so 
protect the interests of their clients. 

Taylor is also pressing for lawyers acting for accused to be allowed to have 
access to confidential documents relating to other cases so that they acquire 
an understanding of how prosecution policy is implemented.

George Gebbie, a lawyer from the European Criminal Bar Association, whose name 
is on the list of ICC defence counsel, said the assistance provided by the OPCD 
is vital for lawyers from developing countries and helps to create a level 
playing field in general. 

A specific example of the kind of advice the new body will offer is an 
explanation of what they are entitled to from the prosecutor in the form of 
relevant and exculpatory evidence. It is the prosecutor's job to conduct 
investigations into allegations of war crimes, but the onus is also on his team 
to hand over any evidence that might exonerate an individual. 

Gebbie explained that if the prosecution does not investigate a line of 
enquiry, which could potentially clear the accused, a case could be dismissed. 


Further assistance for the defendants and their lawyers is provided by the 
Division of Victims and Counsel, a court body responsible for administering 
legal aid; helping the accused understand their rights; and assisting their 
legal representatives in the field with visas, travel arrangements and 
encouraging governments to cooperate with them.  

Ad hoc tribunals are also working to secure logistical support for defence 
teams. Sebastian Van de Vliet, head of the Office of Legal Assistance and 
Detention, OLAD, at the ICTY, told IWPR that its legal aid provisions entitle 
an accused to a permanent defence team, including field investigators.  

Mark Ellis, the executive director of the International Bar Association, said 
ensuring equality of arms by supporting defence teams in the field is 
especially necessary in countries emerging from, or still embroiled in, 

If in a situation like Sudan it is not possible for the defence to have the 
same access and support as the prosecutor, Ellis says "the trial of the accused 
should not go forward".


For the first time in the history of international justice, victims of war 
crimes are participating in cases against suspected war criminals at the ICC in 
ways other than as witnesses. They are being invited to give their opinions 
through legal representatives and could potentially even question the accused 
in court.

But some human rights lawyers that IWPR spoke to are concerned that victims 
might act as second prosecutors, which could prejudice the rights of the 

As there are normally several sides to a conflict, Taylor believes victims 
could play an instrumental role in ensuring that the right person is convicted, 
although she cautioned that victims should be considered independent 
participants, and "must not be automatically aligned to the prosecution". 

While the ICC's declared aim is to ensure that the prosecution and the defence 
are on equal footing, the court has not helped itself in this regard by moving 
the defence teams to a separate building near the Hague's central station.

Taylor said it would have made sense to have moved both the prosecution and 
defence from the main building, so both parties are treated equally.  


Being the newest tribunal has advantages for the ICC.

The court is staffed by many who previously worked at the likes of the ICTY and 
the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, ICTR, bringing with them their 
experience of past errors and best practice. 

That said, the older tribunals are also learning from their own mistakes, and 
trying to implement new policies to remedy them.

Several years ago at the ICTY, defence teams were not allowed into the 
cafeteria because of fears they might overhear confidential information. 

Things changed after the Association of Defence Counsel, ADC, an association of 
lawyers set up to champion the rights of defence, gained official recognition 
by the tribunal in 2002.

Van de Vliet told IWPR that although it is too late in the life of the ICTY to 
create an equivalent OPCD, OLAD is supporting the ADC to be very active at the 

According to Van de Vliet, the days of the defence not being allowed into the 
cafeteria have long gone, and that policies like this were changed following 
cooperation between the ICTY's Registry and the ADC.

To raise the profile of defence at the ICTY, there are now stricter regulations 
on who can be a tribunal defence lawyer.   

Standards are a lot higher than they were, with lawyers needing seven years 
experience in criminal proceedings, as well as established competence in 
international human rights law and a clean disciplinary record. They also need 
to be a member of the ADC. 


It is not just important to build up the credentials of international defence 
lawyers at the war crimes tribunals, but also those of indigenous lawyers who 
might one day be faced with defending accused from their own country.

Cases are only referred to the ICC if the country in question is unwilling or 
unable to prosecute those suspected of war crimes on its territory. 

Some observers argue that one of the most complex tasks faced by the ICC is 
helping to build up the rule of law in the countries it deals with, so that 
local judiciaries are in a position to try war crimes suspects rather than 
referring them all to The Hague.

To this end, Taylor is committed to providing local defence lawyers and NGOs 
with legal resources and arranging outreach seminars on the application of law 
and defence rights. She said this is money well spent because local courts "can 
be a sustainable conduit for international justice".  


All the countries that have signed up to the ICC must knit implementing 
legislation, based on the Rome Statute that governs the ICC, into their 
national laws, so that lawyers dealing with crimes at a national level will 
prosecute in compliance with the Rome Statue. 

However, Ellis said it is too much to ask the ICC to ensure local jurisdictions 
conduct fair trials that are commensurate with those in The Hague.  

He stressed that the ICC was not created to oversee the reconstruction of a 
country's legal system, but that it is "the UN's responsibility, through 
bilateral and multilateral assistance, to build a country's trial capacity". 

He said international justice will achieve continuity if all member states 
successfully adapt domestic legislation to enable them to try international 
crimes. This, he concluded, would be the ICC's most important legacy.

Katy Glassborow is an IWPR reporter in The Hague.

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These weekly reports, produced since 1996, detail events and issues at the 
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY, at The Hague.

Tribunal Update, produced by IWPR's human rights and media training project, 
seeks to contribute to regional and international understanding of the war 
crimes prosecution process.

The opinions expressed in Tribunal Update are those of the authors and do not 
necessarily represent those of the publication or of IWPR.

Tribunal Update is supported by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry for 
Development and Cooperation, the Swedish International Development and 
Cooperation Agency, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and other funders. 
IWPR also acknowledges general support from the Ford Foundation.

The Institute for War & Peace Reporting is a London-based independent 
non-profit organisation supporting regional media and democratic change.

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Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Borden; Managing Editor: Yigal Chazan; Senior Editor: 
John MacLeod; Hague Project Manager: Janet Anderson; Translation: Predrag 
Brebanovic, and others.

IWPR Project Development and Support - Executive Director: Anthony Borden; 
Strategy & Assessment Director: Alan Davis; Managing Director: Tim Williams.

For further information on this project and other reporting services and media 
programmes, visit IWPR's website: www.iwpr.net

ISSN 1477-7940 Copyright © 2006 The Institute for War & Peace Reporting 


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