PRLIC TRIAL HEARS OF MOSTAR’S DESTRUCTION  Former United Nations police officer 
says Croat paramilitaries’ shelling and siege of Mostar made life almost 
unbearable for Bosniaks.  By Merdijana Sadovic in Sarajevo


guarantees the general will return to face trial.  By Merdijana Sadovic in 

says his lawyer was placed under “undue pressure”.  By Merdijana Sadovic in 


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Former United Nations police officer says Croat paramilitaries’ shelling and 
siege of Mostar made life almost unbearable for Bosniaks.

By Merdijana Sadovic in Sarajevo

A witness testifying in the trial of six Bosnian Croat officials, which resumed 
this week after the summer recess, described the appalling conditions endured 
by the Bosniak, or Bosnian Muslim, population during the Croat siege of the 
city of Mostar 14 years ago.

Larry Charles Forbes told the court that Bosniak civilians were not just 
expelled from the Croat-held part of Mostar on the west bank of the Neretva 
river to the east side, but were also exposed to constant shelling and sniper 
fire from the Croat positions during the time he spent in this city. 

Forbes, who was a member of the United Nations civilian police during the 
1993-94 Croat-Muslim conflict in Bosnia, said Bosniaks were forced to live in 
concrete basements without running water and electricity, and were cut off from 
food and medical supplies for months.

Jadranko Prlic, Bruno Stojic, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petkovic, Valentin 
Coric and Berislav Pusic are charged with crimes committed against the Bosniak 
population during the 1992-95 Bosnian war. 

The indictment against the six states that the authorities of the 
self-proclaimed Croat territory of Herceg-Bosna claimed Mostar as its capital 
when it came into existence in 1991.

It says that in May 1993, the Herceg-Bosna forces or HVO attacked and expelled 
“hundreds, if not thousands” of Bosniak men, women, children and elderly into 
east Mostar, while hundreds of others were detained at the “Heliodrom” prison 
in the town.

This action resulted in Mostar being divided between HVO and Bosnian army 
forces, with most of the Bosniak civilians of the town surrounded in a small 
area east of the river, while Bosnian Croats and HVO forces occupied the west 

“By June 1993, the Herceg-Bosna/HVO forces had commenced a siege against east 
Mostar which continued to April 1994 and involved continual shelling, sniper 
fire, blocking of humanitarian aid and horrible deprivations, directed against 
the Bosnian Muslims in east Mostar,” the indictment continues.

Forbes told the court this week that he arrived in the Balkans in May 1993 and 
was transferred to the Mostar region on June 28, where he was based until the 
end of that year. His task was to liaise with the local police and also to 
assess the situation on the ground. 

Forbes said that before he arrived in Mostar, he had been told that “Bosnian 
Croats and Muslims fought together against Serbs”, but once the Serbs were 
driven out from this area, “Croats attacked the Muslims, and they started 
fighting against each other”. 

He said the attack caught the Bosniaks by surprise. “A lot of Bosniak police 
officers who were over on the other side were captured and taken prisoner or 
shot dead,” he told the court. 

When Prlic’s lawyer Michael Karnavas said the witness’s claim that the Croat 
forces attacked first was hearsay and could not be admitted into evidence, 
Forbes said he had heard the same thing from many Bosniak police officers and 
civilians he talked to while he was in Mostar.

He said when he arrived in east Mostar, he was shocked by the devastation he 
saw. This part of the town was exposed to “savage shelling and sniper fire from 
HVO positions on the west bank and on Mount Hum, which overlooks the city”, 
Forbes said. 

According to the witness, the targets of these attacks were not military 
objects, but civilian buildings and the Bosniak population. He said he never 
saw any military barracks on the east side of the river, nor large number of 
Bosnian Army, ABiH, troops.

Forbes added that HVO forces sometimes aimed at UN vehicles as well, and that 
in one of these attacks, which took place just before he arrived in Mostar, a 
Spanish soldier was killed. He said he was involved in the investigation into 
this incident, which concluded that the fire came from HVO positions on the 
west bank.

The witness told the court that due to the constant shelling of east Mostar, 
Bosniaks were forced to live in basements and shelters with concrete floors and 
walls, which were “overcrowded, very dusty and dirty”. He said there was no 
running water there, no electricity, and he hadn’t seen any toilets either. 

Forbes also said the HVO controlled the power in the area, which, according to 
him, explained why the electricity was cut off in east part of the city.

He stated that from his armoured vehicle parked on the streets of Mostar, he 
often witnessed civilians’ daily struggle to escape HVO snipers.

“They used various methods to get across the street - some would crawl, some 
would stand tall and run as fast as they could, and some ran in a zigzag 
pattern to avoid the bullets,” he said.

HVO snipers shot at “everyone - women, children and the elderly”.

When asked by Judge Jean-Claude Antonetti how he could tell the snipers were 
positioned in the HVO-controlled area, Forbes said he knew by the “the angle of 

“Also, I’m sure that the ABiH would not be shooting at their own soldiers, let 
alone women and children,” he added.

Forbes said the last time he saw east Mostar, in winter 1993, “it was being 
shelled from HVO positions on Mount Hum, the buildings were burning and there 
were fires everywhere”.

“That particular night I left was as bad as ever.”

During cross-examination of the witness, one of the accused, Slobodan Praljak – 
who represents himself in court – put it to Forbes that some of the heavy 
shelling he witnessed was, in fact, an HVO response to ABiH attacks on their 

“In the course of your testimony, you said several times that the ABiH did not 
have heavy weapons. How do you know that?” asked Praljak.

“What I meant is that I never saw any heavy weapons on the east side of 
Mostar,” Forbes responded.

“Do you claim that if you didn’t see any heavy weapons, that means they didn’t 
exist?” Praljak continued. 

But the witness appeared unmoved. “I didn’t hear any heavy weapons firing from 
their side, nor did I see any. That’s all I know”, he said.

The trial continues next week.

Merdijana Sadovic is IWPR’s Hague project manager.



Croatian government offers guarantees the general will return to face trial.

By Merdijana Sadovic in Sarajevo

Lawyers representing Croatian general Ante Gotovina have asked judges to allow 
their client to await trial under house arrest in Croatia.

Ante Gotovina’s defence counsel Luka Misetic told Croatian television last week 
that the defence team had requested house arrest for Gotovina because he had 
not surrendered to the United Nations court voluntarily and had been on the run 
for years - an aggravating circumstance which called for additional guarantees.

Gotovina is indicted for war crimes committed against Serb civilians during the 
Croatian forces’ Operation Storm offensive of 1995. He was arrested in December 
2005 in the Canary Islands after being on the run for four years, and has been 
in the Hague detention unit ever since.

A submission filed by his lawyers on August 8 was supported by a guarantee 
given by the Croatian government and signed by Prime Minister Ivo Sanader that 
Gotovina would return in time for his trial and would not pose a danger to 

Defence lawyer Luka Misetic added that the general would wear an electronic tag 
at all times, which would enable the police to track his whereabouts and would 
immediately alert them to any violation of the terms of his house arrest. 

Gotovina’s co-accused, generals Ivan Cermak and Mladen Markac, are already 
awaiting trial at home, under certain restrictions.

A response to this request is expected in early September.


Defendant Zdravko Tolimir says his lawyer was placed under “undue pressure”.

By Merdijana Sadovic in Sarajevo

Bosnian Serbs Zdravko Tolimir and Milan Lukic are the latest addition to a 
growing list of Hague indictees who wish to represent themselves in court.

On August 6, they both filed requests for permission to exercise this right.

Tolimir, who is charged in relation to the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, informed 
the court that he had decided to represent himself in court since his legal 
counsel of choice, Belgrade attorney Nebojsa Mrkic, had been put under what he 
called “undue pressure”.

In his submission of August 6, Tolimir said the candidate for his permanent 
counsel was even “called to the office of the Chief Prosecutor [Carla Del 
Ponte] for a talk”, which he said was “without legal precedent”.

“Due to all these facts, I have decided to defend myself in person,” Tolimir 

Meanwhile, Milan Lukic - who is charged with crimes against Bosniak population 
in the eastern Bosnian town of Visegrad in 1992 - informed the court that he is 
“currently unrepresented” since withdrawing power of attorney from counsel Alan 

He added that if ongoing “talks in connection with the appointment of another 
counsel” end without results, “I will have to represent myself”.

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TRIBUNAL UPDATE, the publication arm of IWPR's International Justice Project, 
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TRIBUNAL UPDATE: Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Borden; Managing Editor: Yigal 
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