

Thank you for your comments on the draft-ietfd-trill-over-ip-xx.txt   The WG
has reached consensus on the draft, and it will be sent forward to the IESG.


I want to thank Magnus Westlund, Ines Robles, and Joe Touch for their
targeted reviews.  


Joe asked two important questions that I want to chat about in announcing
the result.  

1)      Why IPSEC + TCP/UDP tunnels 

2)      Why the name TRILL over IP? - it is really TRILL over IP enabled
Transport port protocols 



During this WG LC, I spent time looking back into my notes to check our
evaluation of the alternatives GRE, TLS, or DLTS.  I also asked the  WG
leadership team (Jon, Sue, and Donald with Alia Atlas help) to discuss these
points that Joe raised.     Here's what I found. 


1)      Why IPSEC and TCP/UDP tunnels


After I walked through the WG archives, I found that over several IETFs we
debated TLS, DTLS, and GRE.   Our most substantive debate was at IETF 91.
The WG had settle on utilizing GRE, TLS, or DLTS - until hardware vendors
implementing TRILL came to chat with the WG at IETF 91.   The hardware
vendors asked that we would utilize IPSEC and higher layer tunnels (TCP/UDP)
so that TRILL switches could operate at line speed using these IPSEC
processing chips off board.  The WG decided to listen to vendor creating and
deploying TRILL capable devices. 


The hardware vendors reasoning still seems valid to the WG chairs and the
WGs.   If in the future hardware comes up with TLS, DTLS or GRE at Ethernet
switch line rates and vendors want a TRILL product with these tunnels, I'm
sure that a Routing AD or  the RTGWG draft will sponsor such a draft.  


2)      Is the name TRILL over IP valid? 


Now as to the name, Joe was correct the name should be changed since it is
really TRILL over IPSEC + Transport.   Donald's make the change to the title
of the document, and in the document.   


(PS - We did not change the file name.  It will go away when this draft
turns into a RFC)



Thanks for all your help! 

Susan Hares 

TRILL co-chair 






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