As usual, I have done my AD review of
draft-ietf-trill-transport-over-mpls-07. I would like to thank the authors
- Mohammed, Kingston, Donald, and Lucy - as well as the reviewers for their
work on this document.

I do have a couple minor comments to fix.  I will request IETF Last Call in
parallel with these being rapidly fixed - and place it on the March 8

1) The title is misleading - this is not trill encapsulated in MPLS - but
in Ethernet psuedo-wires for transport over an MPLS backbone.  It should be
fixed.  Perhaps: "TRILL Transparent Transport via VPLS Constructs across an
MPLS Network" ?

2)  Please clarify how traffic from a TRILL tenant is mapped by the PE/VTSD.

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