After using the same laptop for just under a decade, I have finally upgraded to a shiny new machine:

However, it looks like Trisquel has a problem with ACPI. Although it works just fine when plugged in, strange things happen when running on battery power:

* The system randomly freezes.
* The system ALWAYS freezes when shutting down.
* The (wired) network connection stops working a minute of two after the machine is unplugged from the wall.

This happens with Trisquel 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 - I haven't tried reproducing the issue with either Ubuntu or Debian yet. Windows Vista seems to work fine, so it (probably) isn't a hardware issue.

(I also tried using a really old version of OpenSolaris from 2008, but that didn't seem to recognise my ethernet hardware - and also failed to realise that it was running on battery power - so I didn't learn much from that. Still, it didn't appear to freeze up.)

Booting the Trisquel LiveCD with ACPI disabled appears to cause a crash, since all I get is a screen full of text. Presumably this is the Linux kernel breaking and filling my display with complaints about how silly my boot parameters are, since it looks like the text contains a list of function names(?).

The CPU is an i3-2310M:

The BIOS is from American Megatrends, version 2.10.1208. I note that there have been problems with their systems before:

I can't provide much more info right now, but any help is appreciated.

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