Ok a few points that came to mind for me.

1) No one can make the choice to have you rebuy a piece of hardware for you. However all we can tell you is at this point in time you won't get your current piece of hardware without some non-free software. If you choose to rebuy or install that non-free software it is up to you.

2) Yes I totally agree you can buy anything you want (assuming you have the capital for it). I also had a computer before I became interested in Free Software. Not all of my hardware worked, I can think of a TV tuner in particular. In virtually all cases on this forum when someone comes to us with a piece of hardware (usually wireless cards) that doesn't work with all Free Software we will in almost all cases recommend they get one that does work with all Free Software.

3) As I said in statement (1) pretty much your two choices at this point is if you want your wireless to work are buy a card that works with Free Software or install non-free software (which people here would obviously not recommend). If you don't mind me asking if you don't follow RMS and Free Software why are you using Trisquel vs Ubuntu? Don't get me wrong I love it when people use Trisquel. But if you consider following RMS a cult of blind idealism why would you use a GNU/Linux distro in which its primary goal is to follow that "blind idealism"? That is Trisquel's advantage over Ubuntu.

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