Talking about money to "justify" Free software is missing its point. Users of Free softwares (they say "open-source" softwares) who only see its technical benefits are missing the point too. These users (e.g., most Ubuntu users) may switch back to proprietary softwares as soon as there are features absent from the Free universe.

Now, talking about economics, here is basic concept: if copying an item does not cost anything, its price must drop down to 0. That is the case with any digital production such as softwares. As a consequence, charging per copy does not make any economical sense. In the case of softwares, the value is in the support (new developments, bug-fixing, integration, training of the employees, etc.) and a company that wants to be competitive pays for that. Even with proprietary softwares, the main cost is the support, not the price of the licenses. As it was written earlier, this company does not have to redistribute the work achieve by the developers it hires. Most developers are working for one single "stakeholder": her employer. That is why a job market world with only free softwares would not be much different from the one we have today. Nevertheless it would be healthier because Free softwares entails a Free market for support (any programmer/It consultant can work on any Free software). Liberal people should therefore advocate for Free softwares!

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