In the Free Software camp, mere use of a non-Free, or proprietary piece of software, let alone a non-Free operating system, constitutes subjugation to developers. I am suggesting that few people, even in the "extreme" end of the spectrum towards RMS's end have considered that hardware should be Free too. Just look at what proprietary batteries have done to the laptop, phone, and to some degree camera market. If people started having differing wall-sockets, then maybe they would care.

As for sounding disrespectful I'm not sure how I managed that, but lots of people I know think RMS is a jerk too, so...

I think it DOES matter that our CPU's were never intended for use in a Free world. This is why we have always had to compromise, because there is always some layer we cannot see, with the exception of x486, which is old, and even that is "open" only by accident, by being on the market over 20 years.

Now these platforms arise, like MilkyMist One and Ben Nanonote that are tailored from day 0 to only run Free Software and almost no one knows about them. Not only that, few even see the point! Perhaps so much talk of Free Software has prevented us from logically extending the societal changes the movement is working for. Do we really want a world with Free Software but NOT Free hardware? We would have to reverse engineer everything and still be in legal danger.

As for the CPU's, MIPS is somewhat better than Intel, but the real case in point is Qi-hardware's Milkymist Soc which includes graphics acceleration. The entire unit takes 5W total. Even the casing is copyleft.

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