Agreed. Case-in-point was this past Thursday at my "Authorized Mac Reseller" store on my campus. I cringed listening to a poor student salesman pitch why a student needed a $1300+ Facebook machine; the only reason why I didn't intervene was because I knew she needed the commission and I tend not to do such a thing to fellow sales people. There was, however, one gentleman who was eying a copy of Microsoft Office for Mac while standing at the checkout desk with me. I politely interjected (after hearing the ludicrous price Microsoft demanded users to pay) and discussed LibreOffice and the Four Freedoms. The man was so blown away he said he was seriously going back to his dorm room to look it up.

There are ways to make compelling cases for the Freedoms rather than the Functionalities; it's part of the fun of being a can-GNU kind of person.

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