As I said. I know at least one version of the device is dependent on non-free firmware. There could be other chipsets used. However there is only one N USB chipset supported by Trisquel. We helped make that happen. Adapters with these chipsets aren't something you can readily find on the market today. All the major manufacturers have switched to other chipsets as Atheros is no longer supporting it. That is largely irrelevant with free drivers/firmware though. The free drivers/firmware are actually only now at a point that they work well.

We are currently figuring out the financials to have more manufactured. It isn't cheap. There is a little stock left with the AR9170 chipset anywhere and the prices are skyrocketing. We got a hold of a small quantity recently to head off the ever increasing price of these adapters. There were maybe 800 adapters a few months ago from one of our suppliers. Last month there were maybe 200. We bought most of them. Now there are none left. There are a few other sources although the prices are going to skyrocket everywhere. They have already doubled in price. We are already seeing companies taking advantage of this scarcity with $120+ USD price points.

We will be getting more directly from factories in China. It requires a significant investment as the minimum order quantity is much higher.

We actually already ran out of one of the two N USB adapters we sell. We will be getting more once we have figured out the financing. At the earliest we are looking at probably a month or two before shipping commences again and things return to normal.

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