Thank you sir! :) I'll try the Live USB again tonight and search the repos for those again. Maybe even do a test install with my second machine (unlocked CR-48 Chromebook) Wanna make sure I got all the differences down pat before making the switch. Not nearly as difficult as switching from Windows to Ubuntu 9.10 back 2 years ago. But still just as important of a switch. :-)

Bout the formatting. I ask bout the formatting cause the input format option wasn't there when I made the first post to start the thread. But upon making the first comment, the option was there. Could this be a bug? I mainly noticed cause I was wanting to add a couple links, but wasn't sure how to do it in HTML. I looked at the formatting help page, but didn't see bout links in HTML, only in wiki. But it was odd that I also didn't see the bullet list in the wiki part, but did see it in the HTML. Is there a larger page with a more in depth description of formatting options?

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