The GeForce 9500 from libre.thinkpenguin will work with 3D acceleration as well. If you will buy that, you will not be restricted to Intel CPUs. If you are not restricted to those, you can obviously take an AMD one, which will:

a) cost you a bit less for the same performance
b) allow you to choose a mainboard that is most compatible with coreboot.

Coreboot is basically a project to replace proprietary BIOS-code with free software. It will inlcude some extra work to install coreboot on a machine, but if you go through the extra work of searching for the right motherboard, compiling coreboot and following the how-to, you will have a system with zero bits of non-free code in all the parts which count. Coreboot is also known to speed up the boot time. BIOS is a dinosaur, it can only be ran when the CPU is in 16-bit mode and has other restrictions to it too.

Setting up a free desktop PC with an Intel card is surely easier and you will still get a _great_ experience out of it. If you use the GeForce from ThinkPenguin, you will have a (much) more performant card for gaming.

If you decide to go the AMD/NVidia/Coreboot route, make sure to check the compatibility lists of the Coreboot-project thoroughly. Motherboards that are listed as compatible may still have some minor problems, read the full descriptions.

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