> But what about the sources ? I know, understand, and respect the fact
> that they have to be given on demand, but is the "on-demand" part
> optional ? I mean, does it need to bee distributed after the user
> download (on the same page) or can it only be distributed if the user
> asked for it ? And if so can anyone regulate who can and can't have
> the source code just by asking (for example by asking the person the
> purchase approval) ?

You can read this in the GPL (v2 section 3 and v3 section 6).  For GPL3
you can just offer a link to the source alongside the link to the
binary.  Both versions allow giving users written offers for the source,
they might copy these and give them to other users with binaries.

> I ask this because (for example) of the Android Market (aka Google
> Play: Sorry I am using android since the 1.0, and I'm an HTC Dream
> owner so I have a real problem using the new name xD), because I
> already saw applications that in order to respect the GPLv2 Licence
> they instead of uploading the application into the Android Market they
> only uploaded a package that would download them.

Never used it, Fdroid has links to both apks and source tarballs.

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