There is no question in maybe about 99 % of the cases that console game ROMs are not Free Software.

But I can say that there are ethical uses for emulator software. For example, one could develep software for those consoles and test/use it with the emulator. There is also some roms which have only picture slide shows (at least for NES). The picture on the ROM does not have to be Free Software or similarly licenced media else you would render invisible most of the content in books and Internet and photography exhibitions etc. for your eyes.

Another use is simply research out of curiosity or for even academical purposes. I personally find it very interesing and amusing what kind of things in the pre-era of super personal computer power was possible to do. Further there is a lot to learn for game development in those 8 bit games. I could continue with stories in especially RPG games, which you could either read from Internet or experience interactively with the actual game. Because of that I perceive certain games to be very problematic regarding Free Software. They are software, yet they are also amazing art much looked down by "real art" enthusiastics not to speak how they can be interactive stories more than just simply software. How about music? That's a whole new topic by itself.

The world should not be black & white. To have an emulator which is Free Software is for sure better than to have an emulator which is not Free Software or to not have emulator at all.

One very important special note: You don't have to be in academy in order to research something because everyone can't be in academy, and it would be totally ridiculous if only those who are in some sort of academy can research something. The curiosity and thirst for knowledge is one thing what separates humans of animals. The one who makes research to satisfy his personal curiosity is behaving very humanly and is doing the right thing for sure. If he is interested of 8-bit games or whatever games does not make him a bit worse person than someone who studies classical music or "real art".

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