Hello to you :D

This is the best I can do to help your for now.

Normally this error means that the ROMBIOS in your computer either encountered an error trying to read the first sector from your hard drive or did not find a valid boot signature on the first sector of the hard drive. The could be the result of any number of things such as the hard drive power or data cable coming loose, the ROMBIOS settings being incorrect and not recognizing your hard drive or the hard drive itself going bad.

I would first make sure that you hear the hard drive spin up when you start the computer and see the drive access light blink a few times and then try going into the ROMBIOS setup and checking to see if your hard drive is being recognized and then take a look at the hard drive cables to make sure that are securely connected. Although not quite as likely it could also be caused by a boot sector virus.

If all else fails I would try removing the drive from the machine and using a $10 USB 2 ATA/IDE cable to connect the drive to another computer to see if it can be accessed and then run a virus scan on the drive.

Information Found here --> http://forums.techguy.org/windows-xp/649463-verifying-dmi-pool-data-disk.html

You can find more information here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1847470.html

But it seems to be an HDD Header Problem. If you can try with another Hard Drive it would be the best.

As for the screen resolutions it could be a lot of things like :
*1-* Drivers fault
*2-* Screen fault (Xorg sometimes has problems finding the information of the screen)

You can try to edit the /etc/xorg.conf file manually like on this post http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/screen-resolution-with-sis-graphics-cant-get-xorg-conf-to-help-709218/ .

If it didn't solve, then report back so I (or anyone else) could search a little bit deeper in the subject.

Best Regards,

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