I am in total agree with Chris on this one (and expect that I understand it right). I think that making a distribution based on Ubuntu (only) could be the best solution, not that Debian is bad, but this could help everyone (mostly Ruben). And why this ? Because of all the support behind ! Trisquel could even become (ok I am thinking a little bit far but still) a "partner" of Ubuntu providing a Free-Software version of Ubuntu and could even receive some support (Money, Servers etc..) like Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc...

More than that, a Trisquel Software Center could be awesome ! Okay we are a few bunch of awesome people (:D) but just imagine Free-Software being soled on Trisquel (like on Ubuntu with the USC) that would make everyone happy and even help Ruben to earn more money to dedicated itself more time for Trisquel (if not working on it full time with a strong financial help behind).

A lot of people would have less fear to do the switch because it will stay (mostly) the same as their Ubuntu experience (like me moving from Arch Linux to Parabola GNU/Linux).

We could turn ourselves into a big community that could have the time to do more of the "secondary" work (since the major part is done by Ubuntu itself) and by this, focusing and more interesting stuff that would make Trisquel a better place (and yes, better than it is now :D).

(PS: Sorry for this but I was a little bit enthusiast about a TSC - Trisquel Software Center - For trisquel... maybe to much xD).

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