To start off, what I want to do most is digitize everything in my life that is possible. I would love a machine to crunch all of these numbers quickly. I want to choose "lossless" versions in anticipation of future computing power that will make everyone else sorry they chose "lossy" codecs.

I would love to get into Blender. After completing some much needed projects here at home, I will have more time as I recently gave up a second part-time job and am now back at 40 Hrs/week for the first time in 11 years. I have a lot of imagination and could see myself producing some cool things with Blender & GIMP. I know it may be a daunting task but we need a "feature-length" movie made exclusively with free software.

Also I want to look into Asterisk & VOIP, hosting useful torrents such as Trisquel ISOs & public domain or CC works, providing a (Freedombox?) server for all of my family to share and 3D Printing... stuff like that. Then I'll branch out into some cool projects like making something to create a water show in the back yard. That would be fun with LEDs and movable water spouts.

I'll leave the high-concept projects to you. Just let me know when you put out your Freebot 1.0 stable release or when you need crowdfunding. :-) I'm not a PhD computer scientist unfortunately, and it's not likely at 43. But if you cannot be an athlete be an athletic supporter, right? Perhaps people like me can use this device to provide some computing power to one of your creations like SETI@Home did. Your ideas seem very worthwhile. I need my robotic butler!

At any rate, humanity needs a free hardware platform to begin building the next generation of computers without restrictions like DRM & lock-in. It's necessary for freedom... and freedom is necessary self-evidently.

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