Yeah, Chris has some valid points for the OP, here's a couple of other things to consider, however.

Many distros are not branded as GNU/Linux, and although RMS has issues with that, most of us are okay with it, since it rolls off the tongue easier (Not to mention Linus Torvalds' take on the semantics).

And truth be told, it's not all GNU either. Apache is not, nor is BIND, Sendmail, Perl, etc.... Neither are many of the UNIX tools - regardless of whether they are licensed under the GPL or not.

And if one is to give credit where it's due, Why isn't RMS and the FSF adamant about calling it LGX, like Yggdrasil did? - because the X, following the *L* and the *G* is what makes it possible for the majority of Linux users to *use*, let alone *recommend* it to the all the common Joe's out there? See:

Answer: Perhaps because it is the MIT license, and not the GNU Public License, and therefore does not rise in priority to the occasion.

And pretty much All Unices (which includes the plethora of Linux distros) ship with Perl as part of the standard installed base - but Perl is released under the Artistic License.

That's just some food for thought though. My real issue is a Linux distro (I've installed Trisquel and taken it for a test drive) that at the heart of it's philosophical brand claims to be based on entirely free software (Like Debian GNU/Linux), yet in my mind isn't, and cannot be.

It is based on the corporate and commercially non-free product base by Canonical, Inc., ewboontew Linux.

While I applaud the spirit and enthusiasm with which FOSS supporters such as myself exert their efforts to spread awareness, understanding, and usage/adoption; I simply cannot see myself recommending a distro that claims to be completely free, that is primarily spawned and based upon another that is certainly not - ewboontew!

I've been using Linux and the BSDs since Jolix, SLS, MCC Interim, Yggdrasil, Slackware, and Debian were birthed, and almost find myself offended that the Trisquel maintainers have the audacity to make such a claim.

My recommendation - go back to Debian, and all will be forgiven. Or stop calling it FREE (As in FSF FREE), because I believe that doing so is a sham and the connotations are contrary to the mission, or at the very least, the "spirit" of the FOSS community.

I hope that helps :)

Kindest regards,


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