I'm no heavy user of of either although have run Replicant, Cyanogen, and Android versions to test functionality/usability/compare. Between this and what I have read Replicant is similar to Trisquel in that its main purpose is to provide a version of the operating system that is free of propritary pieces.

So you can think of Replicant as Cyanogen without the non-fre software.

You can think of Cyanogen as a heavily modified version of Android. The main thing that I see in Cyanogen is it gives users back control over the details. Google has tailored Android to provide it with a source of revenue. In the process they force a lot of undesirable restrictions on you. It's not as bad as Apple in that they cooperate with the free software movement to a minimal degree. Google is far from being setting the standards on cooperation with the free software movement though. They could be said be more aligned with open source proponents.

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