But that didn't turn me away from Free Software at all :D That made me fight more and more ! And my problems was :

- Horrible sound in Trisquel 5.5 (all of 4 computers)
- No Free drivers for Wireless (3 of 4 computers)
- Problems rendering the GPU (1 of 4 Computers, ironically the same with the good Wireless).
- Several freezes (after suspending) (2 of 4 computers)

And I don't remember anything more for now... It is already a lot and can be a real handicap sometimes. But I value my freedom too much... I didn't change to Free Software just because of the idea to be honest... I switched because the "bad" from non-free software happened to me. The need for a developer to use something that he can't share, the need for a user to change a piece of code since the original developer don't want to give support any more, or simply, the need for a student to be able to not be controlled on every word he writes or every step he makes... this is why I turned to this places, to this idea, to this way of life (that I now cherish totally). This is also why, even if anyone proposed me a lot of money, I wouldn't accept the change and I'm willing to fight for this until I can't any more :D.

So yes... those where my problems xD

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