
My experience with my old Averatec varies, while using TRSITEL 5.5, everything works fine for know, lets include the wireless side.

Comparing both distros Puppy slacko and Trisquel 5.5, both are equal match in performance and compatibility of old drivers and devices.

Trisquel is way superior, has more choices and easy to use and not limited to a specific code or language. Hands down to trisquel, it is awesome managing memory. Puppy slacko was not that good on it.

Lets not forget, that we are talking here about linux support of old laptops/system.

When I discover Linux, I was desperate, not wanted to pay extra money for any OSI for one old system.

The original windows was obsolete. I was asking myself. this software companies, Can't be so greedy?? I discover they are! the hard way.

Yet, while researching about alternative Linux OSI to salvage my old laptop, Came across MR. Ubuntu, an OSI design for older pc. I beleive it was version 9.00, it did not work and it was a setback.

I kept pushing and reading, until I came across Puppuy Slacko, and then, I did discover Trisquel, The far away dimension and newly found Galaxy.

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