DNS and jxself are interesting people in the scope of the free software world. Both are extremely talented and offer the most recent Linux Libre kernel for Trisquel and other libre distros. Even if DNS didn't touch a kernel again, his work on maintaining the free software in his PPAs is excellent. So now that we had our fair share of ego stroking, here is my problem.

Both of them don't know how to comprimise. Both are duplicating each other's work by offering the EXACT SAME Linux Libre kernel in their own respective repositories. Its confusing and really doesn't benefit Linux Libre in the long run in where it really is needed in the Ubuntu ecosystem.

A little while back I sent a message to our dynamic duo to consider taking over Ruben's work in maintaining the Trisquel kernel. Pretty much take the Ubuntu versions, de-blob them, convert into Linux Libre, and offer in the Trisquel repos. I understand this would be more work for either one of them, but it would help lessen the load for Ruben in getting his releases out.

Another issue that neither of them wanted to agree on is the deblobbing of the kernel that matches the most recent one for Ubuntu. Both insist that having the most recent Linux kernel is important, but there are plenty of posts on these forums about Trisquel users having things break by using the most bleeding edge kernel offered by DNS and/or jxself.


With all of this to chew on, Chris over at Think Penguin, is nearing the final stages of getting a true libre 802.11n wireless chipset out in the market. So open that RMS himself can plug one in and have the peace of mind that both the driver and firmware are free software. REALLY EXCITING!!! READ MORE ABOUT IT HERE: https://trisquel.info/en/forum/exciting-news-new-usb-n-adapters-are-here-sort

There is one snag though.... the driver is offered in the 3.5 kernel and above and when the final firmware is released, it will need that driver. The kernel version with Ubuntu 12.04 and Trisquel 6 is lower than 3.5 and may not work outside of the box. Chris needs this to work to increase adoption of libre wireless chipsets and for Trisquel 6, a LTS distro supported for 4 more years, to have it from the start.

How do we fix this? We need to also offer the backported Quantal kernel from http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&searchon=names&keywords=lts-quantal maintained in the Trisquel repos as well. DNS or jxself can take the source code, de-blob and convert to Linux Libre, and have the backported kernel as an option.

And guess what... Chris' new wireless devices will be supported throughout the lifespan of Trisquel 6 by adding the backported kernel.

I'm dead serious about this guys. Someone needs to convince DNS and or jxself to get these backported kernels into the Trisquel repos ASAP so Chris and his team can test and have them work once 6 is released.

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