Le Sat, 26 Jan 2013 15:54:41 +0100 (CET),
tegskywal...@hotmail.com a écrit :

> It's too bad this isn't based in the USA as a 501(c)3 non profit. The
> forming of a software foundation is all the rage these days with
> control of a technology in the hands of a open community and not a
> corporation or single person entity.
As it is free, it's not in the hands of a single person. Anybody can
reuse the code.
> I don't believe I can write off a donation to Trisquel in its current
> state and donating to an overseas account can bring up red flags.
I quite have the same problem donating to american projects.
> Plus, Ruben doesn't dedicate enough time to this project nor does he
> interact with us enough to make me comfortable to hand over hundreds
> of dollars to a person in Spain that I have no easy means to make
> contact with.
How do you know Rubén is not dedicating enough time to this project? I
suppose he is dedicating as much time as he can. So, please let him

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