
 Exactly, If I'm successful I believe I graduated from Step one.

So, in your own interpretation,  what is Step 2?

 Be my Polaris star on this one, just guide me.

Hey, I could pin point with accuracy the Polaris star at night, If you need help.

During my Army days, One of the advance land navigation techniques, was only to use and manufacture a field improvise sextant, without a magnetic compass or map in a triple canopy swamp jungle in Panama for three weeks of living hell.

My team was able to locate all 30 markers, in 12 hours. In an area of 60 miles. Infested with exotic animals that were hungrier than you and deadlier,

  Our only motivation to survive was:

1- The desire and dream that all of us would survived collectively,

2- Be at the bar on Friday Night drinking piƱa colada with our love ones and friends.

3- Not to include the "next day Off, much need it "rest"

4- We were the first team to established a mew installation training record and standard.

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