I also use an Atom netbook and found browsing via Mozilla version 19 to be much faster when disabling most JavaScript via NoScript and RequestPolicy (LibreJS didn't work when I tried it - it was too CPU intensive).

For Youtube I use either SMPlayer or youtube-dl. youtube-dl can fetch the link without downloading when using "-g" so you can copy the link into your favorite video player (it is best to download the unencumbered format vp8/webm - for this run youtube-dl with "-F" then run with youtube-dl with the code for webm resolution you desire, e.g. "-f 43").

Lightspark I usually disable and only enable briefly when needed. I use UnPlug to get video URLs on some other websites, e.g BBC news, and it usually works without Lightspark but does sometimes require running some JavaScript.

Maybe these suggestions will improve Orca's performance enough to make it usable?

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