I am using a Live USB with Mini Trisquel 6.0 with about 3gb of persistence. Loving it. But I can't find a way to manually add my own startup processes to the "Desktop Session Settings" list. When I set Synapse to auto start inside its own settings. Its added to this list. But I want to add Seafile client, and KeepassX to the list. But I don't see any button or option to add custom processes. Is there a config file I can edit to do this? If so, could this also be easily done with other Desktop Environments as the config file should be kept in a similar place?

Side note, I currently am using a 4gb USB thumb drive. But could a 16, or even 32 gb thumb drive be used and have the whole drive available to the Live instance of Trisquel? I've heard there is a 3gb to 4 gb limit to Live USB thumb drives, is this true?

Thank you, and Thank you to the developers who worked so hard on this 6.0 release of Trisquel. God Bless you all and your work!!

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