On Wed, 22 May 2013 22:24:41 +0200 (CEST)
onp...@gmail.com wrote:

> Anarchy doesn't mean "no laws". It simply means "no state". Any further views 
> vary widely among anarchists.
> "No state" doesn't necessarily mean "no government", either. I think most  
> anarchists support government, but by the people rather than a state.

They aren't anarchists if they support government or community
decisions. Anarchism is about freedom, and only you can be free if you
obey your laws - obey for what is important for you.
When I said law, it's all laws can be imposed by an organism.
On anarchy, if you want to live with people (everyone wants), you have
to get on with others about anarchy's rules. BUT, we have not the same
life, then not the same problems or point of views. So make your life
with all you care.
Anarchy is the consideration of other's freedom and so, you don't have
autorisation to break it- with state, propriety, and so on...

"Il est une chance que les gens de la Nation ne comprennent pas notre
système bancaire et monétaire parce que, si tel était le cas, je crois
qu'il y aurait une révolution avant demain matin."- Henri Ford.

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