I'm a free software extremist, all right. I'll install nothing but the free stuff. And I think it's incredibly short sighted for anybody to do otherwise. But that's people for you. Proud to be ignorant and lazy as hell. Not that I'm not lazy. But it's not just Joe and Jane Public but most corporations and governments too. Although I have to give it to them, some corps and govs have embraced free software. Usually though without giving any of the benefits to their customers or citizens...

Free software is the only thing that makes sense it a world built of, in and around computers. A hearing aid is a computer you wear or insert into your body, a car a computer you go in on wheels. All money is but 1s and 0s on a screen. Our work, entertainment, many of our memories and private correspondence, but electrons buzzing around.

And thus the question really is, whether we want to take control of our own and collective destinies rather than let the guy behind the curtain do so. I say hell yeah, I'll take my chances, thank you very much.

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