Here's short guide on how to use QEMU.

sudo aptitude install qemu

qemu-img create -f qcow2 hdd.qcow2 10G

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512M -cdrom trisquel_6.0_amd64.iso hdd.qcow2

There are three steps above.

First we install QEMU by the package called qemu.

Second we create an disk image file, which will be used by QEMU as a virtual hard disk. The image file will be in qcow2 format (-f qcow2), will be named "hdd.qcow2" and will provide 10 gigabytes of virtual disk space.

Third we run a virtual machine. The virtual machine will have 512 magabytes of RAM (-m 512M). It will have a Trisquel 6.0 installation disk loaded (-cdrom trisquel_6.0_amd64.iso). It will also have a hard disk (hdd.qcow2).

That's the basics. You should keep in mind that some CPUs have special vitalization functions, that are used for QEMU. If you don't have them, then QEMU will complain the it could not access KVM kernel module. It will still run, but it will be suboptimal. This is the case with my computer. QEMU runs very slow on my computer, but runs good on other computers.

grep -E '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

Run the above to check if your computer has the needed vitalization functions. If it doesn't display anything, then it doesn't have those functions.

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