"Focal developer Guillaume Lesniak gives his side of the story in a lengthy post on Google+. In a nutshell, in order for CyanogenMod to offer custom versions of their software to carriers and device makers, the team wants to use a different license than GPL (so that proprietary camera drivers, for instance, can be used) which upsets some members of the developer community — especially folks who contributed work for free, only to find out that CyanogenMod Inc will be making money off that work."

I read this story lately about the CyanogenMod project growing up and becoming an actual corporation. Part of that growth is the potential relicensing away from the GPL if possible to better suit hardware vendors so the vendor's "trade secrets" are not made public due to the viral nature of the GPL.

I'm seeing some similarities between this and other projects where you sign a Contributor License Agreement and get forced into a free software license and then due to terms of the CLA, the developer has the rights to relicense your code under a proprietary license.

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