Free software is not the same as freeware. Free software is about certain user freedoms. It can be commercial or gratis.

Freeware is gratis. The instructions that make up a piece of freeware may be free (freedom-respecting) or proprietary (secret).

Linux Mint exists because of the GNU Project's contributions to software freedom. The GNU Project contributed the free software philosophy, and practical things like a window manager, desktop environment, web browser, and other stuff that we need for our computers to be useful. Linus Torvalds contributed a piece too; the kernel Linux. Linux was originally proprietary software; Linus later released it as GNU General Public License software.

How come you're using Mint? It has proprietary software in it. Operating systems like Trisquel and gNew-Sense are free in the freedom sense, and will work with the Snares Penguin hardware.

Thanks for posting the hardware review by the way.

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