I said yesterday that I didn't know where to start from, in order to explain this... But, I remembered today a few things that might help those who want to, better realize what kind of world they're living in - and start thinking about what they're going to do about this...

(This will just be a few things that I'll leave here, to complete what I've said above, and nothing more - since that, besides not having much patience to explain this, to the less informed ones, this is not the proper place to discuss these kind of subjects...)

First of all,

Don't take your Democracies for granted. Democracies have repeatedly turned into Dictatorships, throughout History. Like it has happened in Italy, in the 1920s, and in Germany, in the 1930s.

Concerning this last example, which is the most notorious dictatorship that recently arose in the Western World, all that you have to do, in order to realize how worrying the situation in the US is, is to take the 9/11 attacks, the USA PATRIOT Act that followed them, and other Acts after that, compare them with some elements in the following very small text of a History web site, written for children(?), and observe the parallels.


(The documentary that I mentioned, goes into more depth about this kind of preliminary, and warning, signs. And, I've also made several previous references, in here, to all of this - https://trisquel.info/es/forum/chrome-os#comment-33746 - so, I guess you can also search my previous posts, in here, if you want to know more about the "bigger picture".)

Second, if you all want to know what is planned, not only for the US, but for the whole Western World,

You can start by reading this book - http://www.amazon.com/True-Story-Bilderberg-Group/dp/0979988624 - written by the same former KGB agent who wrote the novel about P*OMIS, and, from there, continue reading and listening to what this author has to say, and also others, that he recommends.

This book, that I mentioned, was written with the help of sources inside Western intelligence services, that are responsible for the security of secretive meetings where the fate of our Western World is decided. It's a world-wide best-seller, that has been censored in several countries, including mine. It's author has been repeatedly asked to give speeches in the European Parliament, and the book dares to name specific individuals and corporations involved in all of this. And, the fact is that it's author has never been sued for it. (And has present evidences of what is said in it, to its editors, when confronted by the fear of the latter, that they could be sued for making such grave accusations to such powerful entities.)

And, these are just two things, that I've now remembered...

I'm sorry for not having much patience to be giving politics and history lessons, in here. And, as I've said, this is not the proper place to. I also now have more important things to do, besides writing in here, and it should be a number of days, before I return to this forum.

Good luck to everyone who values, and loves, Freedom, and that will offer Resistance to all of this.

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