Do you have any reference about Linus Torvalds wanting to build a whole operating system by himself? As far as I know the Linux project has always been about developing a kernel. Only a kernel.

Of course GNU only is a part of the operating system we use today. The most significant part (do not forget that GNOME is a GNU subproject, and so is GCC). More significant than Linux. Whatever the metrics you choose: the number of lines of code, the number of executed lines of code (most of Linux is drivers and you only execute a few), the number of contributors, the number of components (one vs. many), ... and, of course, the historical role.

It simply is unfair to mention Linux without mentioning GNU. And because GNU supports a ethical/social/political project, this injustice really is detrimental: many users of GNU/Linux think Linus Torvalds created the whole system and they never end up on to read about the ethical/social/political project.

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